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- Boeing’s 737 Max Software Outsourced to $9-an-Hour Engineers - Bloomberg
Max 의 소프트웨어는 보잉이 비용절감을 위해 경험이 많은 엔지니어들을 해고하고, 공급자들을 압박하는 시점에 개발됐다.
The Max software -- plagued by issues that could keep the planes grounded months longer after U.S. regulators this week revealed a new flaw -- was developed at a time Boeing was laying off experienced engineers and pressing suppliers to cut costs.
전 보잉 소프트웨어 엔지니어 Rabin : 이전의 한 매니저가 보잉의 상품이 안정돼서(mature) 이제 보잉은 시니어 엔지니어가 필요없다고 했다.
Rabin, the former software engineer, recalled one manager saying at an all-hands meeting that Boeing didn’t need senior engineers because its products were mature. “I was shocked that in a room full of a couple hundred mostly senior engineers we were being told that we weren’t needed,” said Rabin, who was laid off in 2015.
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- 해당 자영업자들의 세금자료를 불러와서 보상금을 계산하도록 프로그래밍을 했다.
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