간단하게 SimpleHTTPServer 를 띄워는 것이 가장 간단하다. SimpleHTTPServer 를 통해서 static resource 에 대한 접근을 바로 할 수 있다.c:\project>c:\Python27\python.exe -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080
python 3.x 버전에서는 아래와 같이 실행할 수 있다.
c:\project>c:\Python34\python.exe -m http.server 8080
- http://localhost:8000/index.html
- c:\project\index.html
Other source
아래 경로에서 간단하게 만들어 놓은 .py 를 얻을 수 있다. 단순 page 를 테스트 할 때 꽤 쓸만하다.간단한 json 응답을 위한 server
- http://localhost:9080/json/test
를 호출하면 test.json 파일을 호출한다.
#!/usr/bin/python #-*- coding: utf-8 -*- # python 2.7.x from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer import os import re PORT_NUMBER = 9080 # This class will handles any incoming request from # the browser class MyHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): needProductSeqCase = {} needProductSeqCase['newUi-stats-productTrafficGraph'] = True EXTENSION_JSON = '.json' def _genParamDic(self, params): paramDic = {} for i in params.split('&'): if i.find('=') is -1: continue key, val = i.split('=') paramDic[key] = val return paramDic def _changeFileNameWithProductSeq(self, paramDic): jsonFileName = self.jsonFile[ :self.jsonFile.find(MyHandler.EXTENSION_JSON)] productSeq = None if 'product_seq' in paramDic: productSeq = paramDic['product_seq'] if (jsonFileName in MyHandler.needProductSeqCase) and productSeq != None: self.jsonFile = jsonFileName + '-' + productSeq + MyHandler.EXTENSION_JSON return self.jsonFile def _getStartEndOfRetMessage(self, reqType, paramDic): s = '' e = '' if reqType == 'jsonp' and paramDic is not None: s = paramDic['callback'] + '(' e = ')' return s, e def _doSend(self, reqType, paramDic): self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', 'application/json') self.end_headers() # Open the static file requested and send it with open(os.curdir + os.sep + self.jsonFile) as f: start, end = self._getStartEndOfRetMessage(reqType, paramDic) retMessage = start retMessage += retMessage += end self.wfile.write(retMessage) # Handler for the GET requests def do_GET(self): # req url : http://localhost:9080/jsonp/page_name?callback=dsfd..&a=10 EXTENSION_JSON = '.json' pathes = self.path.split('/') if len(pathes) < 3: return sep = re.split('/|\?', self.path) reqType = sep[1] jsonFileName = sep[2] self.jsonFile = jsonFileName + EXTENSION_JSON paramDic = None if len(sep) > 3: params = sep[3] paramDic = self._genParamDic(params) self._changeFileNameWithProductSeq(paramDic) self._doSend(reqType, paramDic) return # Handler for the POST requests def do_POST(self): # req url : http://localhost:9080/jsonp/page_name?callback=dsfd..&a=10 self.do_GET() return try: # Create a web server and define the handler to manage the # incoming request server = HTTPServer(('', PORT_NUMBER), MyHandler) print('Started httpserver on port ', PORT_NUMBER) # Wait forever for incoming htto requests server.serve_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: print('^C received, shutting down the web server') server.socket.close()
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