[컴] espanso, text 확장기, 내설정


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espanso, text 확장기, 내설정

  • path: %appdata%\espanso\match\base.yml
# espanso match file

# For a complete introduction, visit the official docs at: https://espanso.org/docs/

# You can use this file to define the base matches (aka snippets)
# that will be available in every application when using espanso.

# Matches are substitution rules: when you type the "trigger" string
# it gets replaced by the "replace" string.
  # NOTE: espanso uses YAML to define matches, so pay attention to the indentation!

  # But matches can also be dynamic:

  # Print the current date
  - trigger: ":now"
    replace: "{{mydate}}"
      - name: mydate
        type: date
          format: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"

  # Print the output of a shell command
  - trigger: ":shell"
    replace: "{{output}}"
      - name: output
        type: shell
          cmd: "echo 'Hello from your shell'"

  # Print the output of a shell command
  - trigger: ":s2"
    replace: "{{output}}"
      - name: output
        type: shell
          cmd: "dir"

  - trigger: ":ip"
    replace: "{{output}}"
      - name: output
        type: shell
          cmd: "curl https://api.ipify.org"
          shell: cmd

  - trigger: ":dq"
    replace: "\\x22"

  - trigger: ":dbdump"
    replace: "mysqldump.exe -h localhost -u userid -P 7307 -p --single-transaction mydb table1 table2 table3 > mydb-1212.sql"
  - trigger: ":db_realdb_snapshot"
    replace: "-- created_at은 UTC\n\x22d:\\a\\appss\\MariaDB 10.5\\bin\\mysqldump.exe\x22 -h localhost -u foodpang -P 7317 -p --single-transaction foodpang snapshot_product --where=\x22created_at >= '2023-02-20' AND created_at < '2023-02-21'\x22 --no-create-info > snapshot-20230220.sql"
  - trigger: ":db_testdb_insert"
    replace: "chcp 65001\n\x22d:\\a\\appss\\MariaDB 10.5\\bin\\mysql.exe\x22 -u foodpang -P 7307 -p foodpang < snapshot-20230220.sql"
  - trigger: ":db_delete_all"
    replace: "DELETE FROM product_purchase where id > 0;\nALTER TABLE product_purchase AUTO_INCREMENT=1;"

  - trigger: ":dbinsert"
    replace: "chcp 65001 && \"d:\\a\\appss\\MariaDB 10.5\\bin\\mysql.exe\" -u root -P 3306 -p foodpang_analysis < d:\\a\\prog\\foodpang\\purchase\\rds-mydb.sql"
  - trigger: ":dbtimezone"
    replace: "SET @original_time_zone = @@session.time_zone;SET time_zone = 'Asia/Seoul';"

  - trigger: ":cutf"
    replace: "chcp 65001"

  - trigger: ":git-flow-feature"
    replace: "git flow feature"
  - trigger: ":git-undo-commit-to-stage"
    replace: "git reset --soft HEAD~1"
  - trigger: ":git-checkout"
    replace: "git checkout"
  - trigger: ":git-commit"
    form: |
      'git commit -m "[[message]]"'
  - trigger: ":git-branch-name-copy"
    replace: |
              for /f "delims=" %a in ('git --no-pager branch ^| d:\a\apps\fzf\fzf.exe +m') do @set branch=%a && echo !branch:~2,-1! | clip
  - trigger: ":git-checkout-branch"
    replace: |
              for /f "delims=" %a in ('git --no-pager branch ^| d:\a\apps\fzf\fzf.exe +m') do @set branch=%a && git checkout !branch:~2,-1!
  - trigger: ":git-delete-branch"
    replace: |
              echo need cmd /v && for /f "delims=" %a in ('git --no-pager branch ^| d:\a\apps\fzf\fzf.exe +m') do @set branch=%a && git branch !branch:~2,-1! -d
  - trigger: ":git-cbranch2"
    replace: |
              "d:\a\appss\TortoiseGit\bin\TortoiseGitProc.exe" /command:switch
  # markdown
  - trigger: ":img"
    replace: "![]('{{clipboard}}')"
      - name: "clipboard"
        type: "clipboard"
  # markdown
  - trigger: ":ref"
    replace: "## References\n"

  # And much more! For more information, visit the docs: https://espanso.org/docs/

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