mongodb 에서 필요한 메모리 size 결정하는데 도움이 되는 정보 확인
MongoDB v3.4이후 cache 관련 기본 설정
- WiredTiger 내부 cache 크기 : 256MB 또는 “50% * (총ram - 1GB)” 중에 큰 쪽을 택한다.
- 16GB 의 system 이라면, 15GB 의 50% 인 7.5GB 가 WiredTiger 내부 cache 크기가 된다.
명령어로 현재 설정을 확인할 수 있다. 이 값들의 의미는 serverStatus.wiredTiger — MongoDB Manual 서 확인할 수 있다.
아래의 ‘maximum bytes configured’ 가 ‘wiredTiger.cache.maximum bytes configured’ 라고 보면 된다.
/* 1 */
"application threads page read from disk to cache count" : 108427,
"application threads page read from disk to cache time (usecs)" : 33973418,
"application threads page write from cache to disk count" : 7870,
"application threads page write from cache to disk time (usecs)" : 330718,
"bytes allocated for updates" : 80145389,
"bytes belonging to page images in the cache" : NumberLong(3854909989),
"bytes belonging to the history store table in the cache" : 916,
"bytes currently in the cache" : NumberLong(5526337681),
"bytes dirty in the cache cumulative" : 889517611,
"bytes not belonging to page images in the cache" : 1671427692,
"bytes read into cache" : NumberLong(3606044753),
"bytes written from cache" : 686646597,
"cache overflow score" : 0,
"checkpoint blocked page eviction" : 0,
"checkpoint of history store file blocked non-history store page eviction" : 0,
"eviction calls to get a page" : 4543,
"eviction calls to get a page found queue empty" : 651,
"eviction calls to get a page found queue empty after locking" : 50,
"eviction currently operating in aggressive mode" : 0,
"eviction empty score" : 0,
"eviction gave up due to detecting an out of order on disk value behind the last update on the chain" : 0,
"eviction gave up due to detecting an out of order tombstone ahead of the selected on disk update" : 0,
"eviction gave up due to detecting an out of order tombstone ahead of the selected on disk update after validating the update chain" : 0,
"eviction gave up due to detecting out of order timestamps on the update chain after the selected on disk update" : 0,
"eviction passes of a file" : 259,
"eviction server candidate queue empty when topping up" : 11,
"eviction server candidate queue not empty when topping up" : 248,
"eviction server evicting pages" : 0,
"eviction server slept, because we did not make progress with eviction" : 1268,
"eviction server unable to reach eviction goal" : 0,
"eviction server waiting for a leaf page" : 598,
"eviction state" : 64,
"eviction walk most recent sleeps for checkpoint handle gathering" : 0,
"eviction walk target pages histogram - 0-9" : 0,
"eviction walk target pages histogram - 10-31" : 0,
"eviction walk target pages histogram - 128 and higher" : 0,
"eviction walk target pages histogram - 32-63" : 0,
"eviction walk target pages histogram - 64-128" : 259,
"eviction walk target pages reduced due to history store cache pressure" : 0,
"eviction walk target strategy both clean and dirty pages" : 0,
"eviction walk target strategy only clean pages" : 0,
"eviction walk target strategy only dirty pages" : 259,
"eviction walks abandoned" : 6,
"eviction walks gave up because they restarted their walk twice" : 0,
"eviction walks gave up because they saw too many pages and found no candidates" : 0,
"eviction walks gave up because they saw too many pages and found too few candidates" : 0,
"eviction walks reached end of tree" : 9,
"eviction walks restarted" : 0,
"eviction walks started from root of tree" : 6,
"eviction walks started from saved location in tree" : 253,
"eviction worker thread active" : 4,
"eviction worker thread created" : 0,
"eviction worker thread evicting pages" : 3840,
"eviction worker thread removed" : 0,
"eviction worker thread stable number" : 0,
"files with active eviction walks" : 0,
"files with new eviction walks started" : 9,
"force re-tuning of eviction workers once in a while" : 0,
"forced eviction - history store pages failed to evict while session has history store cursor open" : 0,
"forced eviction - history store pages selected while session has history store cursor open" : 0,
"forced eviction - history store pages successfully evicted while session has history store cursor open" : 0,
"forced eviction - pages evicted that were clean count" : 0,
"forced eviction - pages evicted that were clean time (usecs)" : 0,
"forced eviction - pages evicted that were dirty count" : 4,
"forced eviction - pages evicted that were dirty time (usecs)" : 38127,
"forced eviction - pages selected because of a large number of updates to a single item" : 0,
"forced eviction - pages selected because of too many deleted items count" : 133,
"forced eviction - pages selected count" : 11,
"forced eviction - pages selected unable to be evicted count" : 0,
"forced eviction - pages selected unable to be evicted time" : 0,
"hazard pointer blocked page eviction" : 0,
"hazard pointer check calls" : 3851,
"hazard pointer check entries walked" : 10177,
"hazard pointer maximum array length" : 1,
"history store score" : 0,
"history store table insert calls" : 0,
"history store table insert calls that returned restart" : 0,
"history store table max on-disk size" : 0,
"history store table on-disk size" : 12288,
"history store table out-of-order resolved updates that lose their durable timestamp" : 0,
"history store table out-of-order updates that were fixed up by reinserting with the fixed timestamp" : 0,
"history store table reads" : 0,
"history store table reads missed" : 0,
"history store table reads requiring squashed modifies" : 0,
"history store table truncation by rollback to stable to remove an unstable update" : 0,
"history store table truncation by rollback to stable to remove an update" : 0,
"history store table truncation to remove an update" : 0,
"history store table truncation to remove range of updates due to key being removed from the data page during reconciliation" : 68461,
"history store table truncation to remove range of updates due to out-of-order timestamp update on data page" : 0,
"history store table writes requiring squashed modifies" : 0,
"in-memory page passed criteria to be split" : 14,
"in-memory page splits" : 7,
"internal pages evicted" : 0,
"internal pages queued for eviction" : 0,
"internal pages seen by eviction walk" : 3490,
"internal pages seen by eviction walk that are already queued" : 0,
"internal pages split during eviction" : 0,
"leaf pages split during eviction" : 471,
"maximum bytes configured" : NumberLong(8053063680),
"maximum page size at eviction" : 0,
"modified pages evicted" : 3844,
"modified pages evicted by application threads" : 0,
"operations timed out waiting for space in cache" : 0,
"overflow pages read into cache" : 248,
"page split during eviction deepened the tree" : 0,
"page written requiring history store records" : 0,
"pages currently held in the cache" : 108693,
"pages evicted by application threads" : 0,
"pages evicted in parallel with checkpoint" : 246,
"pages queued for eviction" : 25900,
"pages queued for eviction post lru sorting" : 25694,
"pages queued for urgent eviction" : 378,
"pages queued for urgent eviction during walk" : 0,
"pages queued for urgent eviction from history store due to high dirty content" : 0,
"pages read into cache" : 108871,
"pages read into cache after truncate" : 47,
"pages read into cache after truncate in prepare state" : 0,
"pages requested from the cache" : 34351374,
"pages seen by eviction walk" : 52348,
"pages seen by eviction walk that are already queued" : 1459,
"pages selected for eviction unable to be evicted" : 0,
"pages selected for eviction unable to be evicted as the parent page has overflow items" : 0,
"pages selected for eviction unable to be evicted because of active children on an internal page" : 0,
"pages selected for eviction unable to be evicted because of failure in reconciliation" : 0,
"pages selected for eviction unable to be evicted because of race between checkpoint and out of order timestamps handling" : 0,
"pages walked for eviction" : 380926,
"pages written from cache" : 12981,
"pages written requiring in-memory restoration" : 3826,
"percentage overhead" : 8,
"the number of times full update inserted to history store" : 0,
"the number of times reverse modify inserted to history store" : 0,
"tracked bytes belonging to internal pages in the cache" : 51625791,
"tracked bytes belonging to leaf pages in the cache" : NumberLong(5474711890),
"tracked dirty bytes in the cache" : 0,
"tracked dirty pages in the cache" : 0,
"unmodified pages evicted" : 0
메모리 관련 server status 값 [ref.1]
wiredTiger.cache.maximum bytes configured
: 현재 최대 cache sizewiredTiger.cache.bytes currently in the cache
- 현재 cache에 있는 data 의 size.
- 일반적으로 “cache size 의 80% + dirty cache 양(아직 disk 에 write 되지 않은 내용)”
- 이 값이 wiredTiger.cache.maximum 보다 큰 값이 되서는 안된다.
- 만약 이 값이 wiredTiger.cache.maximum 보다 크게 나온다면 scale out 을 해야한다는 의미다.
wiredTiger.cache.tracked dirty bytes in the cache
- cache 에 있는 dirty data 의 size
- cache size 값의 5% 보다 작아야 한다. 만약 그것보다 크면 scale out 을 해야 한다.
- 5% 보다 크면, WiredTiger 는 cache 에서 data 를 지우는데 좀 더 공격적이게 된다.
어떤 경우에는 성공적으로 write 가 끝나기 전에 client 에게 data 를 cache 에서 제거하도록 강제할 수 있다.
wiredTiger.cache.pages read into cache
- cache 로 읽어오는 page의 수이다.
- 그리고 초당 평균(per-second average)을 판단하는데 이것을 이용할 수 있다.
어떤 data 가 cache 로 오는지 알 수 있다.(?)
(This is the number of pages that are read into cache and you can use this to judge its per-second average to know what data is coming into your cache.) - 이 값이 read-heavy application 들에 대한 issue 의 지표가 될 수도 있다.
- 이 값이 꾸준히 cache size 의 큰 부분을 차지하고 있으면, ’메모리를 늘리는 것’이 전체적인 read 성능을 올릴 수 있을 것이다.
wiredTiger.cache.pages written from cache
- cache 에서 disk 로 write 된 page의 ’수’이다.
- chckpoint 들이 일어나기 전에 특히 큰 값을 갖는다.
- 만약 이 값이 계속 증가한다면, 너의 checkpoint 들은 계속 해서 길어질 것이다.
working set memory size 가 충분한지 여부[ref. 2]
등의 명령어로 볼때 mongodb 가 동작중에 memory 가 여유분이 있다면, 그것은 working set 이 memory 에 fit 하다는 이야기다.
free memory 가 없는 경우 cache.pages 를 확인하자.
몽고db가 memory 를 거의 다 잡아먹는 경우, 다음 2개의 값이 높으면, server 가 cache 를 통해 data 를 순환시키고 있다는 이야기다. 그말은 working set 이 memory 보다 크다는 이야기다.
disk read 의 양 을 확인한다.
- drive 에서 많은 read activity 가 있다면, 일반적으로 working set 이 메모리 크기보다 크다는 신호일 수 있다.
- cache 동작때문에, 높은 cache eviction 지만, 낮은 IO 를 볼 수도 있다.?
aggregate 시에 너무 많은 양의 data 처리해서 memory 가 부족하게 되면 QueryExceededMemoryLimitNoDiskUseAllowed
가 나게 된다. 이 경우 allowDiskUse option 을 사용하면 된다.
allowDiskUse 는 <dbPath>/_tmp
에 data 를 write 하게 된다.
각각의 pipeline 의 stage 는 100MB 의 RAM 만을 사용한다. 기본적으로 이 값을 넘으면 error 가 난다. $search
는 100MB 제한이 걸리지 않는다. 왜냐하면 이것은 분리된 process 에서 run 되기 때문이다.
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