node-simple-encryptor 를 python 에서 / 복호화 함수 / 암호화 함수 / 아도니스 암호화 / 복호화 / 파이썬으로
node-simple-encryptor 의 decrypt 를 python 으로 구현
Adonijs 의 Encryptor 는
node-simple-encryptor 를 사용한다.
Encryptor.decrypt() 의 decrypt 부분을 python 으로 구현해 보자.
node-simple-encryptor 의 decrypt() 부분
module.exports = function(opts) {
if( typeof(opts) == 'string' ) {
opts = {
key: opts,
hmac: true,
debug: false
var key = opts.key;
var verifyHmac = opts.hmac;
var debug = opts.debug;
var reviver = opts.reviver;
// Use SHA-256 to derive a 32-byte key from the specified string.
// NOTE: We could alternatively do some kind of key stretching here.
var cryptoKey = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(key).digest();
function decrypt(cipherText) {
if( !cipherText ) {
return null;
try {
if( verifyHmac ) {
// Extract the HMAC from the start of the message:
var expectedHmac = cipherText.substring(0, 64);
// The remaining message is the IV + encrypted message:
cipherText = cipherText.substring(64);
// Calculate the actual HMAC of the message:
var actualHmac = hmac(cipherText);
if( !scmp(Buffer.from(actualHmac, 'hex'), Buffer.from(expectedHmac, 'hex')) ) {
throw new Error('HMAC does not match');
// Extract the IV from the beginning of the message:
var iv = new Buffer(cipherText.substring(0,32), 'hex');
// The remaining text is the encrypted JSON:
var encryptedJson = cipherText.substring(32);
// Make sure to use the 'iv' variant when creating the decipher object:
var decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv('aes256', cryptoKey, iv);
// Decrypt the JSON:
var json = decipher.update(encryptedJson, 'base64', 'utf8') +'utf8');
// Return the parsed object:
return JSON.parse(json, reviver);
} catch( e ) {
// If we get an error log it and ignore it. Decrypting should never fail.
if( debug ) {
console.error('Exception in decrypt (ignored): %s', e);
return null;
python 구현
class NodeSimpleEncrypter:
KEY = b"FFfBEVh5Dr1BhJiEi3mnCsB6nByGv1iL"
IV_LEN = 16
def __init__(self):
def decryptForV2(value):
m = hashlib.sha256()
key = m.digest()
cipherText = value[64:]
ivstr = cipherText[:32]
iv = binascii.unhexlify(ivstr)
encodedBody = cipherText[32:]
body = base64.b64decode(encodedBody)
aes =, mode=AES.MODE_CBC, iv=iv)
return unpad(aes.decrypt(body), AES.block_size)
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