[컴][웹] AdoniJS at Start up

아도니스 제이에스 / js

Adonisjs at startup


_loadPreLoadFiles 이전에 this._registerProviders()와 await this._bootProviders()를 호출한다. 이 때 app.js 에 접근해서 Providers 를 가져오고, 이 Provider 의 register() 와 boot() 을 호출한다.

preloaded files

아도니스js 에서 처음에 load 하는 file 들은 다음과 같다.(_loadPreLoadFiles)
  • 'start/routes',
  • 'start/events',
  • 'start/socket',
  • 'start/kernel',
  • 'start/wsKernel'
이 부분은 Ignitor source 에서 확인할 수 있다.
new Ignitor(require('@adonisjs/fold'))

class Ignitor {
  constructor (fold) {
    this._fold = fold
    this._appRoot = null
    this._modulesRoot = null
    this._loadCommands = false

     * Files to be preloaded
     * @type {Array}
    this._preLoadFiles = [

     * Default app file
     * @type {String}
    this._appFile = 'start/app.js'
  async fire () {
   await this._bootProviders()

  async fireHttpServer (httpServerCallback) {
    try {
      await this.fire()
      await this._startHttpServer(httpServerCallback)
    } catch (error) {

   * Return the exported values from the appFile. Also
   * it will validate the exports object to have all
   * required keys.
   * @method _getAppAttributes
   * @return {Object}
   * @private
  _getAppAttributes () {
    return require(path.join(this._appRoot, this._appFile))

   * Registers an array of providers to the Ioc container. This
   * method will make use of the `appFile` to get the providers
   * list.
   * @method _registerProviders
   * @return {void}
   * @private
  _registerProviders () {
    this._callHooks('before', 'providersRegistered')

     * Getting list of providers and registering them.
    const { providers, aceProviders } = this._getAppAttributes()
    const providersToRegister = this._loadCommands ? providers.concat(aceProviders) : providers

    debug('registered providers')
    this._callHooks('after', 'providersRegistered')

   * Boot providers
   * @method _bootProviders
   * @return {void}
   * @async
   * @private
  async _bootProviders () {
    this._callHooks('before', 'providersBooted')

     * The providers set set on `registrar` when they were registered. We
     * use the same set to boot the previously registered providers.
    await this._fold.registrar.boot()

    debug('booted providers')
    this._callHooks('after', 'providersBooted')

  _loadPreLoadFiles () {
    this._callHooks('before', 'preloading')

    this._preLoadFiles.forEach((file) => {
      const filePath = path.isAbsolute(file) ? file : path.join(this._appRoot, file)

       * Require file when it's not optional or when optional
       * file exists
      if (!this._isOptional(file) || this._fileExists(filePath)) {

    this._callHooks('after', 'preloading')

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